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Project 1

 (due on September 29th)

A Minute of Music

For those without any music/audio experience: Make a 1 minute piece of music by any means, that uses recorded sounds, etc.

For those with some music/audio experience: Make and perform a 1 minute piece of music with some kind of real-time system (e.g. Max/MSP, Web tech, Hyperproduction+REAPER, openFrameworks, etc.)

Project 2

Hyperconnected Concerts

  1. Form a team (MIT + Berklee)
  2. Put together a 5-minute virtual concert experience (e.g. with 1-3 performers from class)
  3. Create an experience that augments the traditional live-stream concert format with whatever technology and resources available (supplemented by workshop on interactive and web technologies)
  4. Perform the concert live in class, connected to Berklee students in Boston

Final Projects/Pieces